The PropertyGrid control in the .Net environment is one of the controls the most difficult to grasp. Resources are spread all over the web and you will be lucky if you find a solution to your particular problem involving very precise keywords. This web site wants to gather all known and less known resources about this powerful control and on various subjects. Tags will help classify this amount of informations to help you search what you need. You are very welcome to consult this list, come back to see the last additions (rss feed also available) and submit the resources you found or wrote yourself.
This site also features Smart PropertyGrid.Net, a commercial package that proposes the most powerful alternative to the Microsoft solution. You may want to explore its features and see if it is more suitable for your end-users in terms of customization, flexibility, usability and accessibility.

Programmatically resizing a column in a propertyGrid
This is a trick that I discovered myself while wanting to help a fellow programmer in the newsgroups. This trick is the only that I know that enables to resize the label and value columns. It is practical at initialization time depending on the content (text lengths) you have. Read more...
Custom error dialog
You know that when entering a value that is not compatible with the type of the property, the PropertyGrid fires a not very user friendly popup. Someone in the MSDN forums posted a hack that enables you to use your own dialog. Read more...
Delving into the depths of WinForms Controls
The first post of this new blog is another hack to set the width of the property label and value columns. The author promessed to add other resources concerning the PropertyGrid. Read more...